last few days still full of events: visit of laure and fad - coordinators of geco program, the great return of our congo-explorers (both came back in one piece:)), visit of diane and konstantin - on geco internship in other part of benin, and...
5 parcels in 2 days. sorry to everyone - apparently it's my fault. it's BP 388, not BP338... but my respects to benin post - they've finally found me and now, thanks to them, to my grandparents and to simo, we're eating nothing but chocolate and sweets :)
and today it was just an ordinary day. everyone's left to dangbo and i was at home alone to finish the report (we have to submit it till thursday). first i though that it's dull to spend the whole day in front of the computer, but then for the first time since quite a while i realised how different my life is here. here're some of my ordinary day points:
*water from the well to take a bucket&bowl shower
*wearing my beautiful traditional bomba (here most of the time i wear local clothes)
*breakfest: self-made bouille (corn flour porridge - the cheapest breakfest here) with cacao and coffe. all prepared in our provisor kitchen
*working hard on the project on two computers and one monitor (other one is broken), watching closely not to touch the ground when i put in the usb stick, cause otherwise i'd get an electric shock.
*clients and children coming to buy bissap - hibiscus ice-tea
*chatting with neighbours
*walking our red, muddy after the last rain street to the stand of maman florian to buy bananas and a bit further to buy fried nyams for lunch
*our little neighbours shouting helo and running to me to chat a while
*eliezer, resolute 15(?) years-old tailor, paying a visit
*frisbee with eliezer, his friend and two other tiny boys on the university soccer field with a lovely view on palms and bushes
*a boy hanging around the office and watching me work for a half an hour
*girlstalk with meike and dinner together at manhattan bar (rice, fish and benin drinks-all that for less than 1,5 euro)
*smalltalk with willy and ida (working in the cyber cafe) and this message
do gbe!