so there. 10 days have gone by. full of events, explorations and new inspirations. it's too long a story... i'll try in a couple of words.. and pictures
istanbul-konya-adana-kizkalesi-istanbul plane-traintraintraintraintrain-plane (i will plant three trees as carbon offset once the spring comes, i promise :))
learning a lot about islam (esp suffi and alevi) and discovering the most beautiful islamic art and architecture
getting some rest... very much needed
making friends, exploring istanbul and loving it
making friends and excercising non-verbal communication :)
see? i can't really write any posts while i'm at home... fortunatelly, all the exams are over, passed happily, the work is pretty much done, efte is good as always, so there's nothing left except enjoying myself and being excited about going to TURKEY!!!!!
got the tickets today, we're (me and my sis) leaving on monday!!! :)))))
and for now... there has never been anything false about hope...