
23 July 2007

safe and sound

just a quick note. actually, i didn't plan to write that soon, but our train narobi-mombasa will be late at least 4 hours, cause it crashed against a truck (that's what people say...), so i have a moment to write:)

nairobi looks good. it's just a very big city and in comparison to cotonou (i cannot refrain from comparing everthing to benin right now, but i'll get over it) it's almost europe... kenya lives now in the pre-election fever. in september they'll have to choose between the actual president mr. Kibaki and mr Odinga (Moi's sucessor, I think...). it's going to be really interesting!!!

we're also getting into politics ;) we had a dinner today with his excelency the embassador of poland in kenya :) wery nice man. helped us a lot! only, he got really scared that we're going to mombasa on a train in 3rd class....

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