
06 August 2007


chlopaki niezle daja w noge w bagamoyo

now that the guys are gone, it's only the two of us...

the best dancers on the whole zanzibar

I take it back again... Monday in DSM is a really great thing :) lots of different people, lots of different lives, lots of different cultures. I love it. And it was a good day in general...

I've explored another IFAT company: Kwanza in DSM. I'm learning more and more about Fair Trade...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Halo Kasiu! my tu w zapomnianej filadefii siedzimy i czytamy jak jestes co raz dalej,a poniewaz robimy to regularnie to uzurpujemy sobie jeden request, czy mozesz cos wiecej napisac o fair trade, ktore tam troche jak widze badasz??? i jak dlugo tam bedziesz? i dokad jedziesz ? czy w kolko petlowo? i czy jest jak tutaj 40 stopni i wilgotnosc z najczarniejszego tropiku?
