
21 March 2009

a funny moment. waiting for a party to start and in the meantime, finally, finding a minute to write something.

plus, today it's the first day of spring. and you can smell it in warsaw already.

why not so much blogging recently?
..too much going on:)
..too much time spent in front of the computer anyway. birds are singing on the trees outside my window so every time there is an opportunity to shut the computer down, i seize it!!!:)
..there are no words to describe how amazing warsaw is and how sweet is my life at the moment

what have i missed out?
..romania+hungary. amazing. wonderful three days.
..lots of work stuff. tandem matching. team seminar. etc. lots of challenges. lots of fun.
..settling in at tucholska. i love every square inch of that apartment.
..efte and my neverending love for it:)
..sprrrrrring in warsaw.

ok. got to go:) afrobeats are waiting (or not)

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