
30 May 2007

back and off

i'm back from china. i won't even try to tell you how it was....

here are some more pictsthe great wall of course..tian an men square in beijing
what is this fire extinguisher for???
shanghai. nyc is nothing

21 May 2007


kochani, to jest tak niezwykle, ze az bede pisac po polsku. wlasnie wysiadl prad przez chwila w kafejce w srodkowych chinach, gdzie teraz jestesmy (krok od klasztoru shaolin). chwile posiedzialam w ciemnosci, a potem sie zaczelam usmiechac do chinki obok. ona zero angielskiego, ja zero chinskiego. a teraz jestesmy razem w kafejce kilka ulic dalej. zaprowadzila mnie tu i zaplacila (?). mowila przy tym bardzo duzo i ciekawie, ale nie wiem zupelnie co. zrozumialam tylko jak pokazala na siebie i na mnie i ze idziemy i ze klikanie w klawiature. hmm. znaczylo ewidentnie "idziemy razem do innej kafejki?". zadzialalo! jeszcze nie wiem, jak to sie skonczy...:) siedzni na razie obok mnie i gada z jakims przystojnym chlopakiem przez chinskiego skypa. na przeciwko mam dziewczyne, ktora gada migowym przez kamerke internetowa. a komputer po chinsku kaze mi zgodzic sie na bardzo wiele rzeczy. chrl ma juz wszystkie moje dane za moja wlasna zgoda i potwierdzeniem, ze kocham komunizm i nigdy nie zdradze republiki. ale wrazenie jest niesamowite. dzielnica tez niezla. cala ulica pelna ludzi, straganow z jedzeniem, rowerow....

w ogole chiny to jeden wielki szok. przez rozne rzeczy. np. kazdy pipidowek tutaj (nawet malutkie miasteczko, tylko 700 000 ludzi) ma wiezowcow i szerokich ulic wiecej niz warszawie sie kiedykolwiek snilo. ujeli mnie zwlaszcza mostami i wiaduktami. genialne. uwielbiam!!! problem tylko taki, ze bieda tez przeswituje. i to bardzo czasem. ech, bede duzo opowiadac jak wroce.

juz za tydzien. buzia.

16 May 2007

THAT's a challenge!!!!

HELP!!!!!! it's ALLLLLLLL in chinese!!!! everything. even the blogger layout.... even messages in msn...

but Beijing in AMAZING. it's the biggest city i've ever seen. nyc and washington together are nothing. and it is still growing, really fast. they want to finish everything for the 2008 olympic games. they'll make it. i've got lots and lots of reflections... hmm... i'll tell you later :)

tommorow we're going to xi-an

11 May 2007


busy busy time still... but it's coming to an end.
tomorrow it's the efte's big day: we're showing a movie and doing a discussion at the biggest warsaw documentary movie festival. fingers crossed...

and on sunday i'm going to fourth continent this year. after africa, north america and europe, the time has come for me to go to asia...

that's the draft itinerary:

and by the way...

07 May 2007


and this is our wonderful glen-geco senegal/morocco group in airion!!!

06 May 2007

back for a second

i'm back home... but where's home, actually? at my mum's? at my dad's? at swarzewska (where i live right now)? hmm... i'm not sure. so it's better to say: i'm back in warsaw

not for long, though. on sunday i'm going to china for two weeks.. don't ask me why&how. just accept it. i'll tell you some other time...

berlin (trebniz, actually..), training for change workshop (advanced training for trainers...?) was good. not spectacular, but good. the group (mostly connected to the anti-g8 summit in rostock) was amazing. i've learned sooo much from them. and i've fallen in love about 30 times (i never knew for sure how big the group was...:)). anyway, ha!

in berlin for real this time, at the TU...

it was BRILLIANT!!!! and i'm switching off the laptop now to save energy... do the same thing! :)